Category: Millennials

Vlog 15 | Black Hawk Summit | Giselle Kovary

Posted in Gen Z, Millennials, Sales and Customer Service | Tagged , , ,

Vlog: Millennials As Market Disruptors

Posted in Millennials, Multigenerational | Tagged , ,

Vlog: How Gen Zs Are Different Than Millennials

Posted in Gen Z: Working with Generation Z in the Workplace, Millennials | Tagged , ,

Challenges Managers Face in Leading and Engaging Younger Employees & How To Address Them

In this week’s vlog, Giselle Kovary discusses the challenges managers face in leading and engaging younger employees along with tips on how to address them.

Posted in Gen Z: Working with Generation Z in the Workplace, Leadership, Millennials | Tagged , , ,

What Makes Millennials Want to Work at your Organization?

Not a week goes by when a client or prospective client doesn’t speak about their need to improve how they recruit, retain and engage Millennial employees. We have launched our national survey on Gen Z and the data will be … Continue reading

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What Millennials Mean by Work-Life Balance

Last week I presented at the annual Society for Human Resources Management conference in New Orleans. With more than 15,000 HR leaders and practitioners at the conference, the energy was and the dialogue was very engaging.  I presented on how … Continue reading

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Money & Millennials: What Do They Value?

Yesterday, my colleague Bruce Sellery (@brucesellery) and I presented our new program Money & Millennials to several hundred financial advisors.  The discussions we had before, during and after the session highlighted for me the need to have dialogue around this … Continue reading

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What Other Generations Can Learn from Millennials

Learning from Millennials at Work One of the most common obstacles that I hear from employers is that they find it difficult to connect with Millennials and struggle to help them to “fit in” to the work environment. These struggles … Continue reading

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You Still Have a Land Line? Gaps in Communication

In a session this week a participant shared that he had missed some important communications from a Millennial client because the client was sending text messages to his landline. When they discovered the gap in communication the younger customer exclaimed, … Continue reading

Posted in Leadership, Millennials, Multigenerational | Tagged , ,

What Does “Working to Live, Not Living to Work” Mean Today?

How Do Millennials Balance Work and Life? You’ve likely heard the phrase “work to live, not live to work” before, but what does this phrase actually mean? How does it apply to you? And how has this concept changed? It’s … Continue reading

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