Category: Millennials

Gen Ys’ Perspectives on the Workplace

How Gen Ys Feel About Work Each generation has different perspectives on the workplace. Members of one cohort may have difficulty understanding the perspectives of other generations which can cause conflict in a work environment. For example, a Baby Boomer … Continue reading

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Lessons from the Retail Sector on Engaging Gen Ys

What Other Sectors Can Learn From The Retail Sector Even if you are not in the retail sector, many of the challenges that this sector faces are similar to the challenges that you may face in your industry or sector. … Continue reading

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Five Tips for Gen Ys to Succeed in the Workplace

Gen Ys in Today’s Workplace Many of our clients now have a significant portion of their workforce represented by Gen Ys. While this generations numbers in the workplace continue to rise,for young people who have not worked in a professional … Continue reading

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Gen Y Differences in Leadership, Sales & Service: Building Your Future Workforce

Generation Y in Sales and Service Gen Y is a cohort that has high levels of confidence, developed through experiences that reinforced their strengths and downplayed their areas for improvement. In the sometimes rough world of sales, however, setbacks resulting … Continue reading

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Internships: Making Them Work with Gen Ys

Who Are Today’s Interns? What Gen Ys Value While some companies may have interns that fall into the Gen X cohorts, the majority of interns are members of Generation Y. Gen Ys have different expectations than previous generations did when … Continue reading

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Hire the Best Gen Ys: Recruitment Tips

Recruiting Gen Ys: Branding Your Organization Despite a slowdown in some industries and regions, many companies are eager to ensure a strong brand among Gen Ys in order to maintain a steady supply of labour and increase their ability to … Continue reading

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3 Things to Look out for when Making a Job Offer to a Gen Y

Hiring Gen Y Employees You may already work with several Gen Ys, but it’s a good idea to remember and understand what this generation values and expects before you hire additional team members. All four generations in the workplace (Traditionalists, … Continue reading

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Navigating the Business Environment & the Four Generations at Work

Making the Transition from School to Work Is this your last semester of college or university? Are you graduating in a few months and about to head out into the workforce? Congratulations! This is an exciting time. However, it can … Continue reading

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Workspaces for Different Generations

How Workspaces Matter: A Generational Perspective Why does the VP get a door? Why don’t I get a laptop? Why can’t we meet at the coffee shop when the meeting rooms are always booked? You’ve probably heard questions like these … Continue reading

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Why Gen Ys Make Great Mentors

Role Reversal: Gen Ys as Mentors For many leaders and colleagues, it is a foreign concept that more senior people can learn something from someone more junior. However, most Gen Ys have grown up in an online world where it … Continue reading

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