Category: Leadership

The Changing Face of Our Work World, or Is It?

Have Corporate Environments Really Changed? This week as I delivered sessions to leaders at a bank in the US we had some interesting discussions regarding the changing face of our work world.  A participant pointed out that there has been … Continue reading

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Proving The HR Case: Still Not Easy

Recently, I presented at an HR association and a number of participants spoke to me after the presentation about their workplace situations. A few HR leaders mentioned that they were having a hard time helping senior leadership to understand the … Continue reading

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Is That What People Think of Me? Bringing Your Personal Brand to Life

What is your Personal Brand? We are all familiar with the concept of brands and the power can play in influencing behaviours, especially buying behaviours, but we often forget that our personal brand is just as powerful.  It will impact … Continue reading

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Recruiting and On-boarding on a Virtual Team

While many aspects of recruiting remain the same when looking for an employee who will primarily work virtually, there are a couple of additional considerations. Working virtually is not for everyone – some people find it lonely that they are … Continue reading

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Seriously…You Don’t Have Wifi?

As employees and customers alike integrate technology into all facets of their personal and professional lives, there is an increasing expectation that employers and businesses will stay in step and create environments that are tech-friendly. But ultimately it’s about creating … Continue reading

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Crucial Conversations – are they always negative?

Historically, ‘crucial conversations’ used to be termed ‘difficult conversations’. In our drive to political correctness and repositioning everything into the positive, human resources language has changed (e.g. ‘criticism’, to ‘negative feedback’ to ‘areas of improvement’ to ‘areas of opportunity’). So … Continue reading

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How Technology Can Close Doors in Our Communication

The other day I forgot my cell phone at home.  I was in a rush to make it to a doctor’s appointment so I didn’t have time to turn back.  I felt naked without it. What if I needed to … Continue reading

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It’s All About Definitions: a Leader’s Perspective

It is not uncommon for leaders to make judgements about team members. Often they express frustration because they say direct reports are not taking ‘initiative’ or are not ‘proactive’ or they are not ‘strategic’. The challenge is that every time … Continue reading

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Supporting Younger Managers to Effectively Lead Experienced Employees

In the past few weeks I have had several conversations with clients regarding how to support and assist their youngest managers in effectively leading their more senior employees, both in experience and age.  This is such a hot button issue … Continue reading

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The Myths and Strengths of Networking

Networking from a Generational Perspective The term ‘networking’ is thrown around constantly. It is a motherhood statement that we in various circumstances don’t actually know what it means or how to do it. From a generational perspective, there is a … Continue reading

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