Category: Leadership

The Role of a Leader within a High-Performing Team

What Truly is a “High-Performing Team?” The term ‘high-performing’ is, on the surface, easy to understand. A team is high-performing when they achieve all the goals/KPIs that have been set for that team. However, is it really that simple? What … Continue reading

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Telecommuting Remains a Touchy Subject

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Telecommuting There is still a lot of discussion about the benefits and drawbacks of telecommuting. The discussion centers on how to implement and how to measure performance when employees work remotely. However, there is also … Continue reading

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Creating Greater Collaboration in a Virtual Team Environment

An Engaged & Inclusive Virtual Team In a session with a client this week, we explored the pitfalls and opportunities of creating a more engaged and inclusive virtual team environment by understanding generational differences. The focus of the discussion was … Continue reading

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Increasing Engagement Through Your Diversity Initiatives

Diversity, Inclusion & Engagement Increasingly our clients are approaching us to discuss how we can assist them in their diversity and inclusion efforts.  This ranges from presentations around generational differences as one form of diversity, through to more robust HR … Continue reading

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Gen Xers Perspectives on Retirement

How do Gen Xers Feel About Their Retirement? In a couple of weeks, n-gen will sit on a panel at a benefits and disability management conference hosted by the Conference Board of Canada. While we are not experts in either … Continue reading

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Wow, You Get A Sabbatical?

The Benefits of a Work Sabbatical This weekend, while chatting with a friend, they mentioned that one of their friends is coming to visit for a while. When I asked how long they would be staying in town, the reply … Continue reading

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The ‘Political’ Apathy of Gen Xers

Are Younger Generations Apathetic? Gen Xers are generally described as cynical – whether of organizational motives or those of politicians. This is then used to quickly explain why Gen Xers don’t get involved at the same level as Baby Boomers … Continue reading

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Supporting What Matters to Employees

Caring About What Your Employees Care About I’m in the midst of planning a charity BBQ to raise money for breast cancer research and in between coordinating donations, promoting the event and encouraging people to donate, I started to think … Continue reading

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The Effect or Non-Effect of Helicopter Parenting

Does Being a Helicopter Parent Make a Difference when Children Enter the Workforce? While n-gen researches and works with clients on the impact that a multigenerational workforce has on engagement, performance and productivity in the workplace, we have to be … Continue reading

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What does the ‘Selfie’ Phenomena tell us about Employees?

Employees and Selfies The other day I was at a garden centre and as I rounded the corner, I noticed the cashier taking a selfie at the register.  Nowadays, customers are pretty used to seeing smart phones alongside the cash … Continue reading

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