Category: Leadership

Why Summer Hours Are a Good Idea

Providing Flexible Work Schedules If you live in Canada, as we do, you know how short the summer season is – especially after the polar vortex we experience last winter.  As a self-proclaimed ‘sun worshipper’ there is nothing I love … Continue reading

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The People Side of Change Management

Improving Engagement in the Change Management Process In the last few days I have had several conversations with existing and prospective clients on the challenges their organizations are facing, particularly as they undergo significant change.  A common theme is that, … Continue reading

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Succession Planning – What’s the Point?

Making Succession Planning Work for All Generations Over a decade ago, when we first started n-gen, there were a lot of discussions about succession planning. HR leaders were trying to figure out what the best method was to succession plan. … Continue reading

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Creating Mutual Accountability Between Leaders & Direct Reports

Mutual Accountability in the Workplace Once upon a time, the notion of there being ‘mutual accountability’ between a leader and his/her direct report would have been seen as an overly sensitive way to look at the reporting relationship. Traditionalist, Baby … Continue reading

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Four Generations: Investors Looking for a Return

Employees Expect a Return on Investment Do you know for what return each employee is looking? Why did they join your organization and what do they expect that you as a leader will provide them? Employees bring their human capital … Continue reading

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What the World Cup Can Teach Your Organization About High Performing Teams

What it Takes to Have a High Performing Team As I prepare to leave for Brazil next week to attend some World Cup soccer games, I started thinking about what makes some of the teams more high performing than others. … Continue reading

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How A Multigenerational Workforce Impacts Corporate Security

How Different Generations See Confidential Information A few weeks ago, we presented a presentation to a group of security executives representing large multinational corporations and the public sector. They were curious about how the generational differences, and particularly younger employees’ … Continue reading

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What about Gen Xers?

Gen Xers in the Workplace Earlier this month, n-gen spoke at the Canadian Institute for Diversity and Inclusion conference held in Calgary, Alberta. During the day, one of the participants mentioned to me that she noticed that in the discussions … Continue reading

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Building Your Best Career Brand

What is a “Career Brand?” Your career brand is important when it comes to finding a job or moving up the ladder at your current organization. But what is a career brand? Your career brand is the value proposition that … Continue reading

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Building a Diversity & Inclusion Strategy

How to Build a Diverse & Inclusive Workplace Leveraging the diversity in your organization is crucial for succeeding in a global marketplace or with a highly diverse customer base. Having a variety of different employees with different skills and backgrounds … Continue reading

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