Category: Leadership

Mentoring Versus Sponsorship – Why You Need a Sponsor

The Difference between a Mentor and a Sponsor Having a mentor or a sponsor at your organization can greatly help your career. In fact, it is often crucial for successful career development. But what is the difference between a mentor … Continue reading

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What Happens During Downsizing & How Organizations Can Manage The Experience

Change Management During Downsizing Unfortunately, downsizing can be necessary sometimes. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s not a difficult process. Downsizing introduces many challenges and changes into an organization. Those employees who remain may have feelings of unease, anger or … Continue reading

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Managing High Performers: Tips For Improving Engagement

Keeping High Performers Obviously, keeping high performing employees with your organization delivers benefits and is a primary goal of leaders. High performers contribute to your organization’s succeed  now and help set you up for success in the future by making … Continue reading

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Change Management: What to do when you Get a New Manager

Working for a New Manager Getting a new boss or manager can be difficult. Perhaps you really liked the way your previous manager did things. Maybe you established a great reputation with your old manager and you’re worried that the … Continue reading

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Problem-Solving Key Generational Issues

Creating a Strategy for All Generations The fact that there are multiple generations in the workplace and that they have different values and expectations impacts every aspect of an organization’s people strategies. This includes how organizations attract employees, how they … Continue reading

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Alternative Work Schedules: How to Maximize Flexibility

Different Types of Alternative Work Schedules Currently, most organizations offer some type of alternative work scheduling options, however how they operationalize it is quite distinct. There are a number of different types of alternative work arrangements and options in order … Continue reading

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Employees as Investors – Communicating The ROI

Employees as Investors The longer you keep employees and the higher performing they are, the greater your return on investment is in recruited them. But have you calculated the return on investment that your employees receive from working for you? … Continue reading

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Growing Your Career in the New Year

Finding Your Dream Job in 2014 2014 is here and a new year is always a good time to reflect on your life and evaluate your current situation. Many people take this opportunity to take a closer look at their … Continue reading

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The Social Media Debate – Embrace it or Ban it?

Should you Ban Social Media at Work? Many organizations struggle with whether or not to allow social media access at work. However, in order to make this decision for your organization, it is important to know what social media really … Continue reading

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Building a Winning Performance Management Process

Definition and Goals of Performance Management Performance management (PM) is a regular, ongoing activity that is carried out by managers and supervisors and is aimed at enhancing and maintaining employee performance objectives, however, often leaders struggle with how to effectively … Continue reading

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