Category: Leadership

Corporate Citizenship and Green Workplaces

Benefits of Corporate Citizenship It is becoming increasingly important for organizations to focus time, effort and energy on corporate citizenship, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and going “green.” Why? Because corporate citizenship has many advantages, including increased employee morale, strengthened brand … Continue reading

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Create a Learning Organization that Builds Talent

Elements of a Learning Organization Organizations of all types and sizes should be interested in creating an engaging environment for their employees so as to be able to deliver better business results. The goal of a learning organization is to … Continue reading

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Jumping into Social Media – Best Practices & Lessons Learned

Building the Business Case for Social Media A lot of organizations struggle with why they should consider leveraging social media. They are often unsure as to how social media can fit into their day-to-day operations or how social media can … Continue reading

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The Race to Engage Future Leaders

The Race to Engage Future Leaders. What’s the Hurry? Many industries are facing a looming leadership gap as seasoned employees retire and younger employees must assume increased responsibilities.  In some organizations, there will not be enough qualified people to fill … Continue reading

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Succession Planning: Useful Exercise or an Exercise in Futility?

Succession Planning & Developing Future Leaders Organizations engage in succession planning in order to evaluate top talent, improve the organization’s strength in key positions, identify potential candidates early in their careers and create strategies to retain them, as well as … Continue reading

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The Future of Unions – Engaging all Four Generations

Generational Challenges Facing Unions Most unions have long histories and many traditions. They are also mainly dominated by Baby Boomer members and leaders. This often means that unions have very traditional values and expectations that align with their membership. When … Continue reading

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Gen Y Differences in Leadership, Sales & Service: Building Your Future Workforce

Generation Y in Sales and Service Gen Y is a cohort that has high levels of confidence, developed through experiences that reinforced their strengths and downplayed their areas for improvement. In the sometimes rough world of sales, however, setbacks resulting … Continue reading

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Generational Diversity & Leadership

How Different Generations Challenge Leaders There are four generations in today’s workforce—Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Gen Ys. Each generational cohort possesses unique values, behaviours and skills based on their experiences of life-defining events. With Gen Xers establishing themselves … Continue reading

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Empowering Employees through Effective Delegation

Empowering Employees When leaders empower  their employees those employees are able to take on greater responsibility and authority. In order to do so, employees must be given the resources to make this happen. Unfortunately, some employees often feel as though … Continue reading

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Types of Work Cultures

The Culture in Your Organization An organization’s culture is based on the way in which people in that organization think and act. Every organization has a culture and, depending on what it is, it can either work for or against … Continue reading

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