Category: Leadership

The Impact of Workplace Stress on Organizations

High Workplace Stress Hurts Everyone A recent survey by Monster Canada found that 58 percent of people surveyed say they feel overworked and about one-third blame an increasing workload for their stress. In addition, one in four people have quit … Continue reading

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Back to School Lessons That Can Be Applied to Work

What Back to School Can Teach Us About Our Careers This week was all about getting my step kids and my nieces ready for back to school. It’s an exciting time for the little ones, and the teenagers wish the … Continue reading

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The Emotional Culture of Your Organization

Why It’s Important to Care About Emotions Emotions are a big part of the decision-making process. While we all may like to believe that we always act rationally, that we only consider the facts, and that we don’t let our … Continue reading

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Does Your Organization Even Need an Office?

Remote Employees: Are They Right for Your Organization? I recently shared a story on my Twitter account about organizations that have moved from traditional office environments to an arrangement that features primarily remote employees and virtual workspaces. Some of these … Continue reading

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Keeping Your Team Productive in the Summer

Anyone who knows me, knows that summer is my absolute favourite season of the year. It never feels long enough to me and I always want to maximize all the great things that come along with warmer temperatures. Finding ways … Continue reading

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How to Make Summer Hours Work for your Organization

Are Summer Hours Right for You? The warm summer weather is here and, at many organizations, this means “summer hours” are on the horizon. What does the term “summer hours” mean? In general, it means reduced schedules during the summer. … Continue reading

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Workplace Gossip and How It Affects Engagement

Why Office Gossip is Harmful and What Leaders Can Do In an organization, it’s often desirable that employees get along with one another. When people who work together become friends, they tend to like coming to work more and teamwork … Continue reading

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Is a Healthier Workforce a More Productive Workforce?

Absolutely!  When employees are healthier they bring the benefits of their lifestyle with them to work and everyone wins. The Connection Between Health and Productivity Now that more pleasant spring weather is finally here, a lot of us are coming … Continue reading

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Growing Engagement with Remote Employees

Making Everyone Part of the Team There was a time, not so long ago, where everyone who worked for an organization did so by “going to work” and physically being in the office. However, this is no longer the case. Many … Continue reading

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Spring Cleaning your Work

Spring Cleaning Isn’t Just For Your Home Now that the spring is finally here, you might have planned to do some spring cleaning. Typically, that means organizing things, putting away winter clothes, and – for me – actually vacuuming under … Continue reading

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