Category: Leadership

The Disconnect Between Knowing and Doing

This week in an advisory team session where we are developing some new content for sales leaders, we had a detailed discussion about why some managers and leaders don’t execute on the things they know they need to do to … Continue reading

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You Still Have a Land Line? Gaps in Communication

In a session this week a participant shared that he had missed some important communications from a Millennial client because the client was sending text messages to his landline. When they discovered the gap in communication the younger customer exclaimed, … Continue reading

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Catching the Olympic Spirit

The Passion & Drive Every four years the Olympics mesmerize me. Well, really ever 2 years since I also watch the Winter Olympic Games. I am drawn in by the stories of determination, passion, drive and sheer talent. There is … Continue reading

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The “Semi-Retired” Gen Xer

Those who Struggle to Find Work after being Laid Off Gen Xers, born between 1965 and 1980, have been in the workforce for several decades. As the oldest members of this cohort are now in their early 50s, they have … Continue reading

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The Barriers of Indecision

Yes, No, Maybe…? I don’t know about you, but when I get stressed it severely impacts my ability to make decisions. As I ponder all of the decisions I have to make, usually with short timelines and significant consequences if … Continue reading

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The Employee Side of Working on a Virtual Team

I had a great time at #SHRM16 and I was so thrilled that my session on managing and leading virtual teams was so packed, even at 7am!  A big thank you to everyone who attended and provided great insights during … Continue reading

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Managing Virtual Teams & Leading in A Flexible Work Environment

Today, working for an organization doesn’t necessarily mean heading into an office each day. Increasingly so, technology is being used to engage disperse and diverse groups of employees together. Experts from different geographies must come together to solve client challenges … Continue reading

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Performing Well in High Pressure Situations

Why Do Some People Perform Better Under Pressure? Why do some people perform better under pressure than others? What is it that drives some to dig deep and excel when others would “choke”?  These are questions I’m pondering this week. … Continue reading

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Keep Your Eye on The Prize

The Need For Consistency The theme of consistency has emerged in the last month with several clients.  The need for consistent execution of leadership competencies; the need for consistent focus on operational practices; the benefits of consistent sales activities; the … Continue reading

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The Importance of Mindfulness to Productivity as we “Spring Ahead”

We all need a break sometimes.  As I write this I am sitting overlooking a beautiful dessert view in Arizona. Our family March break is about to begin. The kids are most excited about not being in school and my … Continue reading

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