Category: Leadership

“I Don’t Even Really Like People…”

When working with people, leaders – particularly those who have been promoted into senior roles because of their strong technical skills – often secretly admit to me that they “don’t even really like people!” The comment is usually made out … Continue reading

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Creating Your New and Improved Personal Brand This Year

A few weeks ago I spoke with a client and they raised an interesting point about how leaders in their organization introduce and describe themselves.  The typical response when asked “tell us about yourself” is something like this: “I have … Continue reading

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The Value of Self-Reflection

I participated in a conference last week where attendees were given time after each session to reflect on what they had learned.  This short exercise was one of the elements that participants enjoyed the most from the event.  Why?  I … Continue reading

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Does Money Really Motivate Employees?

The famous quote from the 1996 movie Jerry McGuire was when Cuba Gooding Jr shouted “SHOW ME THE MONEY!” to his sports agent. Many senior leaders, and some HR professionals, believe employees always want more money.  The thinking is that … Continue reading

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Can You Say “Thank you” Too Much?

An interesting conversation emerged in a workshop I was delivering this week. The discussion was regarding how to recognize employees and the value that a pat on the back and a simple ‘thank you’ can have on an employee’s engagement … Continue reading

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Nobody Can Go It Alone

The famous quote by English poet John Donne “no man is an island” popped into my head this week I was contemplating all the things I need to do and want to do this year.  We are all “part of … Continue reading

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Are We Having Fun Yet?!

After delivering a full day workshop with a client Vancouver, I was invited to join their group dinner and team building activity. It was a great evening, filled with team competition, laugher, dancing, silly obstacles and a lot of fun.  … Continue reading

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The Euphoria of Winning

I will never forget where I was when Joe Carter hit the gaming winning homerun for the Blue Jays in 1993 to win the World Series.  Since then, my beloved city hasn’t been able to celebrate much around baseball…until last … Continue reading

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Declining Resilience Among Students A Serious Problem – How Will It Impact Employers?

In lieu of a long blog post, I want people to take 10 minutes and read this very important article on a serious problem facing colleges and universities – declining student resilience. This article provides insights into why counselling services … Continue reading

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A Fresh New Workspace To Increase Overall Performance

Over the last 2 weeks I have been onsite with clients in Ontario and Quebec and I was impressed and excited by the changes they had made to their office space. The workspace and team collaboration spaces were open, bright, … Continue reading

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