Category: Leadership

Managing Performance of ‘Experienced’ Employees

This week I co-presented a session on strategies for managing an aging workforce with a lawyer at a Bay St. law firm. The discussion centered on both the legal and HR related issues that employers face with an older workforce.  … Continue reading

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Do You Get the “Back to School” Jitters?

As the first week of school began this week in many school boards, it made me think about my experiences and feelings with the back to school season. As a student, every year I got a serious case of the … Continue reading

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Are Some Generational Identities a Better “Fit” for Your Organization?

Increasingly our clients are facing a challenge with recruiting the “right” employees, retaining high performers and figuring out how best to manage the employees they have on their teams.  The reason this is becoming an issue is that senior leaders … Continue reading

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Is Your Organization Putting Their Money Where Their Mouth Is?

I had several interesting conversations this week with clients (all from different industries) and in each discussion there was a common theme:  people leadership skills need to be improved in their organization and there is a commitment to do so … Continue reading

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The On-Going Need to Invest in Leaders

Committing to Leadership Growth There is nothing new about dedicating time, energy and resources to develop leaders through formal or informal learning.  Organizations have made commitments to leadership growth and improvement for years.  However, it is always surprising to us … Continue reading

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Generational Communication: Cut through the “Noise”

In our communication program, we review with participants the foundation of effective communication. To start, we also highlight the basics of the sender–receiver model that forms all types of communication. Whether speaking or writing, I am sending a message and … Continue reading

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It’s Your Birthday

Celebrating Birthdays at Work As I write this today on my birthday, I am reminded of all the ways different employers and colleagues have celebrated my special day at work over the years.  Are birthdays something that managers, colleagues and … Continue reading

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Getting to the Top: Right Now!

We hear it in our sessions all the time, and the other day, I heard it on a drama series – ‘the new generation just thinks that they can get to the top very quickly’. This perception of Gen Ys … Continue reading

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Generational Viewpoints on Vacation: It’s Not a Perk

Vacations and Work-Life Balance It is summer and everyone’s thoughts are on vacation – whether long weekends or booked time-off. In conversation with a client, he mentioned that he had just been on a 2-week vacation. He continued saying that … Continue reading

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Bringing Innovation To Any Work Situation

Doing Creative Work Anywhere Many of us feel that we aren’t innovative or creative. That we don’t tap into that part of our brain enough and that creative work is reserved for artists, musicians or advertisers. The reality is that … Continue reading

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