Image: Why Having Women in Leadership Roles Matters

Why Having Women in Leadership Roles Matters

Women in Leadership Roles Help Organizations Succeed Yesterday was International Women’s Day. It was a great opportunity to take some time to think about and thank the amazing female entrepreneurs who inspire me, my clients who support women to become … Continue reading

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Image: Fostering Personal Connections at Work

Fostering Personal Connections at Work

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with a client about how their move to a new, modern work environment will impact their organizational culture.  The emphasis will be on open, fluid spaces, no assigned desks, no private offices and lots … Continue reading

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Image: Motivating & Rewarding Employees of All Generations

Motivating & Rewarding Employees of All Generations

How to motivate and engage employees is a topic that consistently receives attention from senior leaders, because it underpins all other business goals. The need to reward and recognize employees in a way that increases their motivation; makes them feel … Continue reading

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Image: What Different Generations Have in Common

What Different Generations Have in Common

As is often the case when I am having a discussion regarding generational differences, the issue of similarities and commonality arise. The conclusion is that while generational differences do exist (as is the case with other forms of diversity such … Continue reading

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Image: The Benefits of Vacations

The Benefits of Vacations

How Vacations Help Productivity Happy New Year! Now that the holiday season is behind us for another year, it’s time to get back to work and focus on our goals for the upcoming months. Hopefully you had a chance to … Continue reading

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