Image: Seriously…You Don’t Have Wifi?

Seriously…You Don’t Have Wifi?

As employees and customers alike integrate technology into all facets of their personal and professional lives, there is an increasing expectation that employers and businesses will stay in step and create environments that are tech-friendly. But ultimately it’s about creating … Continue reading

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Image: Crucial Conversations – are they always negative?

Crucial Conversations – are they always negative?

Historically, ‘crucial conversations’ used to be termed ‘difficult conversations’. In our drive to political correctness and repositioning everything into the positive, human resources language has changed (e.g. ‘criticism’, to ‘negative feedback’ to ‘areas of improvement’ to ‘areas of opportunity’). So … Continue reading

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Image: Gen Ys Want You to Show Them the Money…Sort of

Gen Ys Want You to Show Them the Money…Sort of

We all like getting paid, but the youngest generation is making it a key priority when seeking employment, according to a study by Software Advice– a company that reviews talent management software.  They analyzed 1,400 responses from Gen Y candidates and evaluated how … Continue reading

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Image: Gen Ys as Financial Consumers: Are Banks Ready?

Gen Ys as Financial Consumers: Are Banks Ready?

Many organizations have done surveys and analysed the results of Gen Ys as consumers. Most organizations of varying sectors have realised that they cannot assume that Gen Y customers are the same as previous generations. They have dedicated marketing, product, … Continue reading

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Image: How Technology Can Close Doors in Our Communication

How Technology Can Close Doors in Our Communication

The other day I forgot my cell phone at home.  I was in a rush to make it to a doctor’s appointment so I didn’t have time to turn back.  I felt naked without it. What if I needed to … Continue reading

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