Image: What’s a Gen Xer to do?

What’s a Gen Xer to do?

Gen Xers and Rewarding Careers In a conversation with a friend recently, we talked about the challenges that Gen Xers face as they reach their ‘mid career’ point.  Depending on one’s career path, the experiences can vary widely from a … Continue reading

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Image: The Role of a Leader within a High-Performing Team

The Role of a Leader within a High-Performing Team

What Truly is a “High-Performing Team?” The term ‘high-performing’ is, on the surface, easy to understand. A team is high-performing when they achieve all the goals/KPIs that have been set for that team. However, is it really that simple? What … Continue reading

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Image: The 5th Generation: Who will follow the Gen Ys?

The 5th Generation: Who will follow the Gen Ys?

What Generation Comes After Gen Y? Generation Y, often referred to in the media as Millennials are currently between 14-33 years old. While there are no conclusive dates for when the generation starts and ends, most researchers use birth years … Continue reading

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Image: Is it Life-stages or Generational Differences?

Is it Life-stages or Generational Differences?

Do Different Generations Turn Into Each Other? Recently I was at a session where the age-old question arose. Isn’t what n-gen’s describes as generational values, behaviours and expectations just a function of age? In other words, “when I was 20 … Continue reading

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Image: Why Achieving a Work-Life ‘Balance’ Is Still A Priority

Why Achieving a Work-Life ‘Balance’ Is Still A Priority

Can Work-Life Balance Be Achieved? Regardless of what type of organization we are working with, from private to public sector, small to large, professional environment to skilled trades, leaders consistently speak of their employees’ desires for a greater work-life balance. … Continue reading

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