Image: What If We Can’t Ignore Gen Ys Anymore?

What If We Can’t Ignore Gen Ys Anymore?

Can We Still Discount Gen Ys? Earlier this week, the province of New Brunswick elected the youngest premier in Canadian history. At 32 years old, premier Brian Gallant falls into the Gen Y cohort.  As with any generation, 3-4 years … Continue reading

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Image: Generational cohorts are who they are, all around the world

Generational cohorts are who they are, all around the world

What Are Different Generations Like in Different Countries? In a majority of sessions, a participant will ask the question as to relationship between cultures and generations, wondering if the n-gen perspective is North American focused. Does it apply to other … Continue reading

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Image: Wow, You Get A Sabbatical?

Wow, You Get A Sabbatical?

The Benefits of a Work Sabbatical This weekend, while chatting with a friend, they mentioned that one of their friends is coming to visit for a while. When I asked how long they would be staying in town, the reply … Continue reading

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Image: The ‘Political’ Apathy of Gen Xers

The ‘Political’ Apathy of Gen Xers

Are Younger Generations Apathetic? Gen Xers are generally described as cynical – whether of organizational motives or those of politicians. This is then used to quickly explain why Gen Xers don’t get involved at the same level as Baby Boomers … Continue reading

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Image: Supporting What Matters to Employees

Supporting What Matters to Employees

Caring About What Your Employees Care About I’m in the midst of planning a charity BBQ to raise money for breast cancer research and in between coordinating donations, promoting the event and encouraging people to donate, I started to think … Continue reading

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