Image: Four Generations – Four Types of Customers: Building Strong Customer Relationships

Four Generations – Four Types of Customers: Building Strong Customer Relationships

Recognizing that Customers Can Be Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Gen Ys We recently did a session with sales representatives of a pharmaceutical company. The workshop focused on building strong relationships with customers from opening to probing to closing … Continue reading

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Image: How A Multigenerational Workforce Impacts Corporate Security

How A Multigenerational Workforce Impacts Corporate Security

How Different Generations See Confidential Information A few weeks ago, we presented a presentation to a group of security executives representing large multinational corporations and the public sector. They were curious about how the generational differences, and particularly younger employees’ … Continue reading

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Image: What about Gen Xers?

What about Gen Xers?

Gen Xers in the Workplace Earlier this month, n-gen spoke at the Canadian Institute for Diversity and Inclusion conference held in Calgary, Alberta. During the day, one of the participants mentioned to me that she noticed that in the discussions … Continue reading

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Image: Creating People Practices that Engage All Four Generations

Creating People Practices that Engage All Four Generations

Engaging Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers & Gen Ys Recently, n-gen delivered the opening presentation and co-moderated the Conference Board of Canada Generations 2014 conference. The audience was mixed, both private and public sector, but the theme was common. Every … Continue reading

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Image: Building Your Best Career Brand

Building Your Best Career Brand

What is a “Career Brand?” Your career brand is important when it comes to finding a job or moving up the ladder at your current organization. But what is a career brand? Your career brand is the value proposition that … Continue reading

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