Tag Archives: baby boomers

Is Your Organization Mutligenerationally Friendly?

Evaluate How Multigenerationally Friendly Your Current People Practices Are The risk of focusing all your attention on one generation in the workplace, often younger employees, is that you may be alienating the other cohorts. The key to success is to … Continue reading

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The Impact of a Multigenerational Workforce on HR Practices

Your Workforce: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y If you look around your office today, you will probably see a diverse mix of age ranges working together – from experienced, seasoned employees to young, recent graduates. A young … Continue reading

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Tips for Transferring Knowledge to Younger Employees

Why are some Baby Boomers reluctant to transfer knowledge to Gen X & Gen Y employees? Many organizations report two challenges with knowledge transfer. The first is creating a process or a program by which knowledge transfer is successful and … Continue reading

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Connecting Gen Ys with Baby Boomers Through Formal Mentoring

Building a Mentoring Program to Connect Gen Ys & Baby Boomers In an era where employees are expected to produce more with less, organizations are looking for innovative ways to transfer knowledge, engage employees and support a high performing work … Continue reading

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