Tag Archives: leadership

Gen Y Differences in Leadership, Sales & Service: Building Your Future Workforce

Generation Y in Sales and Service Gen Y is a cohort that has high levels of confidence, developed through experiences that reinforced their strengths and downplayed their areas for improvement. In the sometimes rough world of sales, however, setbacks resulting … Continue reading

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Generational Diversity & Leadership

How Different Generations Challenge Leaders There are four generations in today’s workforce—Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Gen Ys. Each generational cohort possesses unique values, behaviours and skills based on their experiences of life-defining events. With Gen Xers establishing themselves … Continue reading

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Managing More Experienced Employees

Leadership Skills for Gen X & Gen Y For the first time in working history, younger generations are managing older, more experienced employees. In fact, it is becoming increasingly common for Gen Xers and Gen Ys to be managing employees … Continue reading

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How the Global Generation will Influence the Future of Leadership

Leadership and The Global Generation Last week we mentioned that the “fifth generation” that will soon enter the workforce is the Global Generation (aka the Globes) and described some of their key characteristics. This generation represents those who are born … Continue reading

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Effectively Delegating

How Each Generation of Leaders Approaches  Delegation Delegation can be difficult for many leaders, as it can be perceived as giving up control. Different generations see delegation in different ways. For example, in a Traditionalist environment, it may be seen … Continue reading

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Passing the Knowledge Baton from One Generation to the Next

Passing the Knowledge Baton from One Generation to the Next Four generations (Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Gen Ys) are working side-by-side in the workplace. While this can be advantageous for a number of reasons, it can also lead … Continue reading

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Leading a Multigenerational Project Team

Leading a Multigenerational Project Team Project managers that can create strong, collaborative work environments will achieve more significant project results. Today’s project managers play a role beyond just meeting project deliverables. When leading a project team, your role is also … Continue reading

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