Tag Archives: millennials

The 5th Generation: Who will follow the Gen Ys?

What Generation Comes After Gen Y? Generation Y, often referred to in the media as Millennials are currently between 14-33 years old. While there are no conclusive dates for when the generation starts and ends, most researchers use birth years … Continue reading

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Is it Life-stages or Generational Differences?

Do Different Generations Turn Into Each Other? Recently I was at a session where the age-old question arose. Isn’t what n-gen’s describes as generational values, behaviours and expectations just a function of age? In other words, “when I was 20 … Continue reading

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Why Achieving a Work-Life ‘Balance’ Is Still A Priority

Can Work-Life Balance Be Achieved? Regardless of what type of organization we are working with, from private to public sector, small to large, professional environment to skilled trades, leaders consistently speak of their employees’ desires for a greater work-life balance. … Continue reading

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Analysing Engagement Surveys: What’s the Generational Perspective?

Engagement Surveys & Generational Cohorts In working with our clients, whether customizing a training workshop or completing a consulting assignment, we often ask to see the organization’s latest engagement survey. If possible, we ask that the data be given to … Continue reading

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Gen Xers Perspectives on Retirement

How do Gen Xers Feel About Their Retirement? In a couple of weeks, n-gen will sit on a panel at a benefits and disability management conference hosted by the Conference Board of Canada. While we are not experts in either … Continue reading

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What If We Can’t Ignore Gen Ys Anymore?

Can We Still Discount Gen Ys? Earlier this week, the province of New Brunswick elected the youngest premier in Canadian history. At 32 years old, premier Brian Gallant falls into the Gen Y cohort.  As with any generation, 3-4 years … Continue reading

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Generational cohorts are who they are, all around the world

What Are Different Generations Like in Different Countries? In a majority of sessions, a participant will ask the question as to relationship between cultures and generations, wondering if the n-gen perspective is North American focused. Does it apply to other … Continue reading

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The ‘Political’ Apathy of Gen Xers

Are Younger Generations Apathetic? Gen Xers are generally described as cynical – whether of organizational motives or those of politicians. This is then used to quickly explain why Gen Xers don’t get involved at the same level as Baby Boomers … Continue reading

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The Effect or Non-Effect of Helicopter Parenting

Does Being a Helicopter Parent Make a Difference when Children Enter the Workforce? While n-gen researches and works with clients on the impact that a multigenerational workforce has on engagement, performance and productivity in the workplace, we have to be … Continue reading

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What does the ‘Selfie’ Phenomena tell us about Employees?

Employees and Selfies The other day I was at a garden centre and as I rounded the corner, I noticed the cashier taking a selfie at the register.  Nowadays, customers are pretty used to seeing smart phones alongside the cash … Continue reading

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