Tag Archives: millennials

Succession Planning – What’s the Point?

Making Succession Planning Work for All Generations Over a decade ago, when we first started n-gen, there were a lot of discussions about succession planning. HR leaders were trying to figure out what the best method was to succession plan. … Continue reading

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Creating Mutual Accountability Between Leaders & Direct Reports

Mutual Accountability in the Workplace Once upon a time, the notion of there being ‘mutual accountability’ between a leader and his/her direct report would have been seen as an overly sensitive way to look at the reporting relationship. Traditionalist, Baby … Continue reading

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Four Generations: Investors Looking for a Return

Employees Expect a Return on Investment Do you know for what return each employee is looking? Why did they join your organization and what do they expect that you as a leader will provide them? Employees bring their human capital … Continue reading

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Engaging Gen Y Customers

Attracting Gen Ys to Your Brand A few weeks ago I worked with a client to explore how their business and current product offering could be modified and enhanced to better attract and engage Gen Y customers.  For this organization, … Continue reading

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Layering On A Generational Perspective to Your Orientation Process

Different Generations and the Orientation Process Last week I worked with an HR team to explore how generational identities impact people practices.  Specifically, we spent time exploring how their current orientation process could be enhanced to better tap into the … Continue reading

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How A Multigenerational Workforce Impacts Corporate Security

How Different Generations See Confidential Information A few weeks ago, we presented a presentation to a group of security executives representing large multinational corporations and the public sector. They were curious about how the generational differences, and particularly younger employees’ … Continue reading

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What about Gen Xers?

Gen Xers in the Workplace Earlier this month, n-gen spoke at the Canadian Institute for Diversity and Inclusion conference held in Calgary, Alberta. During the day, one of the participants mentioned to me that she noticed that in the discussions … Continue reading

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Effectively selling to Multigenerational Customers: What do Gen Ys expect?

Understanding Your Audience There are many differences between the generations, both in their values and expectations as well as in the lifestyles that they prefer to live. This can be a challenge when you are attempting to sell a product … Continue reading

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Why Companies Aren’t Hiring Recent College & University Graduates

What Organizations are Looking for in New Gen Y Employees When it comes to hiring new employees, many organizations spend a great deal of time and effort recruiting on campuses and at job fairs. Many job postings clearly state that … Continue reading

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Changing a Traditionalist Work Culture into one that Attracts Gen Ys

Creating a Work Environment that Attracts Gen Ys About 24% of the Canadian workforce is made up Gen Ys. By 2028 (just 14 years from now) it’s predicted that this cohort will make up 75% of the workforce in Canada. However, … Continue reading

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